Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The story...

Flicking through TV channels one night, I stumbled across a new television show called 'Tester QA', a show that follows a smart, attractive software tester and her colleagues. Already amazed that such a show would exist, I was blown away to discover that the show's main character had the exact same name as me.

The next day at work I was an office celebrity, phone calls were coming in constantly throughout the day. Customers were requesting I test their projects, because someone with such a name must be the number one tester in the entire universe.

At lunch time, I went shopping and bought the exact same pair of glasses to match my namesake. Back in the office that afternoon I had adopted the 'Tester QA' character catch phrase "...and that's the end of that test cycle".

That night, I was too busy adjusting my new glasses in the mirror, and didn't watch the second episode of 'Tester QA'. I figured TiVo would record it anyway.

The next day at work, on my way to my desk, I started to hear the whispers and chuckles. Unfortunately, my office fame was short lived, and had changed into office humiliation.

For some reason, the writers of 'Tester QA' had decided that the awesome, sexy, brilliant tester they had in the Pilot episode, was not the character they would go with for the rest of the show's episodes. Instead, they decided that the character was flat chested, clumsy and pretty much the worst tester to ever exist.

For days I suffered the agony and embarrassment of being associated with such a useless excuse for a Quality Assurer. I couldn't stand having colleagues walking past my desk and quoting the new catch phrase "uh oh, unreproducible". I would not put up with this.

After numerous phone calls, and meetings with the 'Tester QA' producers, I could not get them to agree to change the name of the character, or for them to explain to my why they had changed such an awesome character into such a lame one.

If they weren't going to change the character name, well then, I would change mine.


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